Welcome to Villa Koman!

For everyone who wants more than a mountain vacation, Vila Koman is the right choice for accommodation! With its rooms and the entire design in the original style from the 1930s, pleasant surroundings in the center of the village and with a large and useful garden behind the house, it offers all the comfort and authenticity of an old and quality alpine lodging.

There is never a shortage of opportunities to be active in Jezersko. Although we like to boast that we also offer "nothing" and thus the opportunity to completely relax, we also offer: renting electric bicycles, hiking, activities in nature, enjoying local culinary delicacies and much more.

There is also a charming little mountain cafe within Villa Koman, where we offer excellent coffee prepared from high-quality ground beans, as well as local and foreign boutique beers, wines and whiskeys. We also offer homemade non-alcoholic refreshing juices and drinks for young and old.

Despite the fact that we are located on the main village road, the surroundings of the Villa offer contact with nature, because in quiet hours guests can sit in the courtyard with a view of the Alps or use the grassy areas of the garden behind the house, where you can also use the barbecue for preparing food and a fireplace where you can light a fire.

In the idyllic breakfast room with a view of the mountains, we prepare a varied continental breakfast, which also includes local and home-made delicacies. With a good breakfast, we try to provide our guests with all the necessary energy for an active and exploring day.

*Osnovne cene rezervacij so za minimalno tri nočitve. Pri manj kot treh nočitvah je 10 % doplačila na sobo.


Send us an inquiry


    Zgornje Jezersko 56
    4206 Zgornje Jezersko

    Rezervacijska pravila in pogoji odpovedi

    Rezervacijska pravila in pogoji odpovedi v Vili Koman (PREBERITE POZORNO!):

    Za DOKONČNO rezervacijo termina je potrebno: vplačilo 30% akontacije celotne vrednosti ponudbe v roku treh (3.) dni od prejema potrditvenega sporočila, vendar ne manj kot 100€, predložitev kopije osebnega dokumenta osebe, ki bo nosilka rezervacije, ter telefonska številka za kontakt z vami.

    The reservation can be canceled free of charge 15 or more days before the expected arrival.

    Cancellation of the reservation up to 15 days before the expected arrival is charged in the amount of the deposit (30% of the reservation amount).

    Cancellation less than 72 hours before the expected arrival is charged in the amount of 50% of the reservation amount.

    In case of cancellation on the day of arrival, or if you are not there without prior notice ("no show"), or earlier departure, 100 % will be charged for the amount of the reservation. We will charge your credit card or issue an invoice for the amount.

    Prijave v sobo so možne od 14.00 do 16.00 in od 18.00 do 20.00. Prihod po 21.00 bo dodatno zaračunan kot “pozni prihod”.


    Hišni red:

    – čas zajtrka je od 8.00 – 10.00 (pri zajtrku vam z veseljem tudi postrežemo kavo po želji; ena kava na osebo na zajtrk je brezplačna, vsaka dodatna postrežena kava se zaračuna 1,50 €)

    – brezžični internet je brezplačen

    – vse v vaši sobi vam je na voljo na uporabo, nič za odnesti domov

    – čas tišine je v hiši od 23.00 – 6.00 (nobene težave ni, če ta čas malce podaljšate, v primeru, da ste edini gostje v hiši in želite spiti še kakšno pijačo v salonu, ali da se drugi gostje s tem strinjajo)

    – PREPOVEDANO JE KADITI v sobah ali drugje v hiši

    – prosto se lahko gibljete kjerkoli na posestvu Vile Koman; prosimo le, da ne odhajate v zasebni del kleti

    – SAVNE: ob predhodnem dogovoru in po dostopnem ceniku je uporaba savne možna od 17.00 do 22.00, ena brisača na osebo je vključena v ceno

    – čas za odhod je do 10.30 na dan vašega odhoda

    – ko zapuščate sobo, lepo prosimo, odnesite s seboj ustvarjene smeti. Jezersko je namreč gorniška vas, zato ga želimo ohraniti čistega, brez smeti. Narava in Vila Koman se vam zahvaljujeta!

    Price-list of services

    double room with shared bathrooms outside:

    €80.00/night/two people

    double room with private bathroom

    €100.00/night/two people

    suite (larger double room with private bathroom):

    €120.00/night/two people
    (possible arrangement of up to two additional beds)

    *surcharge in June, July and August: €10.00/night/room

    V vse cene so že vključeni zajtrki, prav tako posteljnina, brisače in čiščenje pred prihodom in ob odhodu. Turistična taksa (2,50 €/noč/osebo) ni vključena v ceno.

    POZOR: cene namestitev se lahko razlikujejo pri rezervacijah preko ZUNANJIH rezervacijskih portalov zaradi provizij in drugih stroškov zunanjega izvajalca!

    POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL FEES and additional offer:

    – manj kot tri nočitve = 10,00 €/sobo

    – pet = €19.00/night/pet

    – cot = €10.00/night

    – extra bed = €15.00/night/person

    – pozni prihod (po 21.00) = 20,00 €

    – letališki prevoz Letališče JP – Jezersko (do 4 osebe v eno smer) = 50,00 € (ostali prevoz 1,33 €/km)

    – refrigerator in the room = €15.00

    – use of saunas (prices with * for external guests):

    €15.00 (€20.00*) – use of saunas for one person for two hours (opening time)

    €25.00 (€30.00*) – unlimited use of saunas for one person (opening hours)

    €20.00 (€25.00*) – use of saunas for one person for two hours (outside of operating hours, by agreement)

    The calculation is informative, discounts and possible surcharges are calculated upon departure. Final payment is only possible in cash.

    Cenik velja od januarja 2025.